

The Philippine National School for the Blind adapts the K-12 curriculum as mandated by the Department of Education. Modes of instruction modified to accommodate the special needs of our students with visual impairment, but it can be assured that their learnings are not compromised. Elective subjects such as Wellness Massage are provided to provide the students with life skills that are helpful given their special condition. 

Special Program


The Special Program is a program for learners with multi disability and who are visually impaired (MDVI).  It is the program that caters to blind children that possess additional disabilities other than visual impairment. They are prepared for independence and for acquiring life skills and for having a sustainable livelihood despite their condition.

The school’s Alternative Learning System (ALS) program serves visually impaired adults who were unable to attend basic education but want to complete their education. ALS students are taught the 3Rs while also learning the important ideas and abilities required in the ALS curriculum in order to pass the ALS Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) test at the elementary and high school levels.